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Array Concatenation

May 25, 2019


Array concatenation is very common in JavaScript. In this blog, I provide four different approaches to do this and also provide the performance comparison. Suppose we have two simple arrays like:

const a1 = [1, "David", 3];
const a2 = ["Tom", 3, "Jeff"];


Arrays in JavaScript have a built-in function concat. We can use it to combine two or multiple arrays into a single one.

const a = a1.concat(a2);

Spread Operator

The spread operator was introduced in ES6. It provides you the ability to expand iterable objects into multiple elements. We can use it to combine multiple arrays into a single array.

const a = [...a1, ...a2];

Looped Insertion

May 25, 2019

Use a for-of loop to append each element of the second array to the first array.

const a = a1.slice();
for (const e of a2) {

Functional Reduce

We can also use functional reduce to combine two arrays.

const a = a2.reduce((acc, item) => {
    acc.push( item );
    return acc;
}, a1 );

Performance Comparison

I created a test case to test the performance of the above four methods in Here is the link to the test case.



  • The latest version of Chrome improve the speed of concatenation dramatically.
  • Looped Insertion is the fastest in the latest version of Chrome.
  • The speed of Spread Operator is close to the fastest one.


Given the speed of Spread Operator is very close to the fastest and more importantly it has a very consise and easy syntax. I would recommend using spread operator to concatenate arrays.