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Bubble Chart in JavaScript

Aug 17, 2019

In this article, I visualized the GDP Per Capita and Life Expectancy for a few selected countries in 1990 and 2015 using three popular JavaScript charting libraries:

I've been using Highcharts for a couple of years in my web applications, but this is the first time I used ECharts and PlotlyJS. I actually just heard of ECharts yesterday in a blog article about pyechart, a Python Echarts plotting library. I saw some cool featured provided by pyechart and that stimulated my interest in exploring the underlying JavaScript library used by pyechart. Playing with it for a couple of hours made me really like it since it offers very similar features as Highcharts as well as:

  • It is open sourced and free, but Highcharts is a commercial software
  • It also offers support to WebGL, which makes 3D plotting a breeze
  • It's documentation, example gallery and user community is strong
  • It is developed and maintained by Baidu, a big Chinese tech company listed on NASDAQ

It is time to move to open-sourced and free charting library ECharts!