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Time In Force

Query Source: adopted from here


Time in force (TIF) is a special instruction to indicate how long an order will remain live before it is executed, cancelled or expires. As a result, it gives the trader or the electronic algorithm a mechanism of controlling time for an order. A few selected TIF values include:

  • Day
  • Good Till Cancel (GTC)
  • At the Opening (OPG)
  • Immediate Or Cancel (IOC)
  • At the Close (CLS)

The FIX tag for time in force is 59 and additional details are available here.


In algorithmic trading, a Smart Order Router (SOR) creates child orders and sends them to different exchanges for execution and each child order has an attribute called tif. The function simOrdersTIF simulates a list of child orders with two attributes: time for order creation time and tif for the order's time in force.


    system "S ",string seed;
    times:asc closeTime&openTime+nOrders?390*60*1000;

    system "S ",string seed;
    ([] time:times;tif:tifs)

Find all clusters of IOC orders and the cluster with the longest duration. A cluster of IOC orders is defined as a group of IOC orders created in a row. A cluster's duration is the time difference between the first order and the last order within a cluster.


The following code snippet is suggested. I intentionally break it into multiple lines to make the explanations easier.

iocClusters:select time,tif,isIOC:`IOC=tif from orders;
iocClusters:update iocGroup:sums 1_(>)prior (0,isIOC) from iocClusters;
iocClusters:update duration:last time-first time by iocGroup from iocClusters where isIOC;
select from iocClusters where duration=max duration

Some explanations:

  • Line 1 updates the table with a boolean flag to indicate whether an order is an IOC order.
  • Line 2 creates an IOC group for each IOC cluster. The snippet 1_(>)prior (0,isIOC) flags the first IOC order in an IOC cluster. The sums simply creates an increasing group index for each IOC cluster.
  • Line 3 finds the time duration of each IOC clusters.
  • Line 4 gives the IOC clusters with maximal duration.