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Volume Weighted Average Price (time-window)

image Source: adopted from here


Last week, we discussed the n-tick rolling Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP). We continue along this thread to calculate the time-window VWAP, i.e. the VWAP over a sliding window, say, 5 minutes.

The rolling time-window VWAP price at time t is the VWAP of the previous trades within the time window [t-w;t], including the current trade at time t. Mathematically,

VWAP_{[t;w]} = \frac{\sum_{j \ge t-w}^t p_j \cdot v_j}{\sum_{j \ge t-w}^t v_j}


The function simTrade simulates the price and timestamp of each trade in the continuous trading session from 09:30 to 16:00.

  system "S -314159";
  times:asc 09:30+n?"n"$06:30;
  :([] sym:syms;time:times;price:prices;volume:sizes);

Implement a function rollingTimeWindowVwap[trades;w] to calculate the rolling time-window VWAP for each tick of trade price by symbol. For example, rollingTimeWindowVwap[trades;00:05] calculates the rolling 5-minute window VWAP price for each trade in the table.


The suggested answer is as follows.

  // Sort the input table by sym and time.
  // This will make the window join below much faster.
  t:`sym`time xasc trades;

  // Create a list of timestamps from the given trade table
  times:exec time from t;

  // Create a time window for the window join.
  // The time window is a two-element list and each element itself is also a list.
  // The first element is the start time and the corresponding item from the second element is the end time.

  // Calculate the notional traded and share quantity traded for each rolling window
  t2:select sym,time,notionalTraded:volume*price,sharesTraded:volume from t;

  // Define the rolling vwap as the ratio of notional traded to shares traded
  select sym,time,price,volume,rollingVwap:notionalTraded%sharesTraded from res